Prof. dr Anđelka Stojković

Prof. dr Anđelka Stojković
Dr sci med Anđelka Stojković, vanredni profesor
Fakultet medicinskih nauka
Katedra za pedijatriju
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu
Kragujevac, Srbija
PhD Anđelka Stojković, associate professor
Faculty of Medical Sciences Department of Pediatrics University of Kragujevac
Kragujevac, Serbia
Andjelka Stojkovic is a associate professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in University of Kragujevac and member of Department of Pediatrics. She is the Director of the Clinic for Pediatrics in University Clinical Centre. She is a member of several domestic (SMS) and international (ERS, EAACI, ECFS) professional associations in the field of pediatrics, pulmonology and allergology. She is the holder of the diploma of the Serbian Medical Society (SMS) and a member of the presidency of the Pediatric Assembly of Serbia and the Association for Preventive Pediatrics of Serbia. Currently, her research interests are in the domains of pediatric asthma, allergic diseases in children, respiratory infections, use of probiotics, hypovitaminosis D, inhalation therapy in children, rare respiratory diseases in children and nitric oxide therapy in newborns.
Anđelka Stojković je vanredni profesor Fakulteta medicinskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu i član je Katedre za pedijatriju. Direktor je Klinike za pedijatriju Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra Kragujevac. Član je više domaćih i međunarodnih stručnih udruženja iz oblasti pedijatrije, pulmologije i alergologije. Dobitnik je diplome Srpskog lekarskog društva i član predsedništva Pedijatrijske sekcije Srbije i Udruženja za preventivnu pedijataru Srbije. Aktuelno njeni istraživački interesi su iz domena pedijatrijske astme, alergijskih bolesti dece, respiratornih infekcija, primene probiotika, hipovitaminoze D, inhalacione terapije, retkih respiratornih bolesti u dece i terapije azot-monoksidom u novorođenčadi.